A Place Like This
I need an island in the sea
Away from you away from me
Beyond the waves beyond the wind
Beyond the world that we live in.
Under the skies of shining stars
Away from lights and noisy cars
Above the ego and the stress
Beyond the world we made a mess.
A place for me a place for you
An earth that's green a sky that's blue
A place for you a place for me
An open sky and light blue sea.
With dream as solid as the ground
A place like this I think I've found
A happy thought no one can take it
A place like this is where we make it.
(M Shumpet)
Dua gambar di atas telah diambil oleh K di Malim Nawar. Banyak bekas kolam lombong di sana telah dijadikan kolam ternakan ikan komersil atau tempat rekreasi oleh kaki pancing. Sungguh menyeronokkan, sambil layan hobi dapat ikan dan melihat pemandangan indah dengan kos yang rendah. Pernah juga aku sekeluarga merasa ikan dari kolam lombong tersebut bila ada kaki jala yang hadiahkan tilapia merah atau hitam serta haruan.
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